Sunday, December 24, 2006
Beste wense
Ek weet nie waar dit vandaan kom nie, maar Kersfees is nie my gunsteling tyd van die jaar nie. Ek is een van daai gelukkige mense wat nooit Sunday Blues het nie, maar hierdie week om Kersfees kry ek sommer so op een slag 52 Sondae se blues. (Nou met my kar wat gesteel is, is ek selfs blouer as gewoonlik . . . ) Maar dit is die tyd van deel en gee, en ek wens almal graag 'n wonderlike feestyd toe, en mag al jul wense en drome vir 2007 waar word. Ek het allerhande besluite om te neem, en ek glo die nuwe jaar sal vol eenvoudige antwoorde wees. En ek gaan nou die blues afskud en heerlik saam met die familie kuier. Voorspoed en liefde aan almal.
Ek sien vandag Jappanese wetenskaplikes het die eerste keer in die geskiedenis 'n reuse-seekat (giant squid - hulle kan tot 18 meter lank word en is die soort ding waarop mites en legendes gebou word) lewendig gevang en afgeneem. Verstommend. Die BBC het 'n video daarvan. Dis een van daai dinge waarvan mens net hoor, en af en toe spoel daar 'n dooie een uit iewers op 'n strand in Nieu-Seeland, maar hier is die ware jakob.
In die woud
Gister het ek my vriend Hugo gaan wys hoe lyk my grond daar by Teslaarsdal aangesien hy byna die hele jaar nie die rustigheid van die platteland ervaar het nie. Dis darem maar ongelooflik om daar op die koppie te gaan sit en afkyk oor die dorpie, met die absolute rustigheid om ons. Dit was 'n heerlik ontspannende trippie, al was die paaie 'n bietjie besig tot by Caledon. 'n Verstommende ding is besig om op my grond te gebeur, 'n natuurlike dennewoud is besig om gestalte te kry. Die denneboom hier regs was toe ek die grond gekoop het (so 'n jaar gelede?) nie eens tot by my knie nie, en kyk nou (hy staan nog 'n bietjie laer as wat ek staan op die foto). En daar is nou al drie van hulle, hierdie grootte, en nog 'n paar kleineres wat begin groei. Ek weet dennebome is nie eintlik goed vir die grond nie (so hoor ek), maar die klompie wat nou vanself begin groei, is nogal min of meer besig om 'n natuurlike heining te vorm rondom die gedeelte waar ek later wil huis bou. Ek dink ek gaan dit vir eers los, want dan is daar bome as ek eendag daar wil bly. Ek persoonlik hou van die reuk van dennebome. Moenie kyk vir my toegetrekte ogies op die boomfoto nie, die foto gaan oor die boom.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
In memoriam
18 Augustus 2000 tot 21 Desember 2006. Ek het vandeesweek afskeid geneem van my goeie vriend die afgelope ses jaar, wat my nooit teleurgestel het nie, soms 'n bietjie nukkerig was, maar oor die algemeen baie lojaal en betroubaar. Ek het hom selfs vir ses maande uitgeleen aan iemand anders, maar toe was hy baie nukkerig, wat vir my 'n goeie teken van sy lojaliteit teenoor my was. Hy was al saam met my die hele land vol, veral een baie lang reis: ons het van die Kaap kuslangs, oor Grahamstad, Umtata en Port St Johns na Durban gery, toe oor die Drakensberge na Johannesburg, daarna Kuruman en Upington, toe oor die Namibiese grens by Onseepkans, al die pad tot in Luderitz (met grondpaaie meestal, deur 'n rivier wat besig is om af te kom waar 'n groep Duitse toeriste langs hul gehuurde 4x4 vir ons gestaan en hande klap het), van Luderitz by die Visrivier-canyon verby, met die N7 af terug na die Kaap se kant, oor Calvinia en Nieuwoudtville tot in Sutherland en toe terug Kaap toe. Maar helaas, hy is vandeesweek in Vredehoek in die Kaap gesteel. Mag die skelm baie sleg slaap. Ek praat natuurlik van die kar en nie die man op die foto nie.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Teater van die absurde
Die jongste nuus van Noord-Korea se nuusagentskap (via Japan, want daar is geen internet-toegang in Noord-Korea nie):
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Wednesday dedicates an article to the anniversary of the publication of President Kim Il Sung's famous work "For a Great Revolutionary Upswing in Socialist Construction" on Dec. 13, Juche 45 (1956). The work has served as a powerful weapon which encouraged the Korean people to dynamically advance the revolution and construction, confident of and optimistic about sure victory and a militant banner which enabled them to make uninterrupted innovations and advancement in the teeth of difficulties under whatever circumstances.
The undying leadership exploits performed by Kim Il Sung in setting an epochal example in building socialism by arousing all the people to a revolutionary upswing are being successfully carried forward and developed by Kim Jong Il today.
The sagacity of Kim Jong Il's leadership in guiding the great Songun revolutionary upswing to victory lies in that he showed a shortcut to the building of a great prosperous powerful nation by setting out the most correct line and policies. They include the lines of attaching importance to the arms, ideology and science, the line of building economy in the era of Songun with a powerful defense industry as its core, the policy of effecting a dramatic turn in seed selection and in potato farming, the policy of double-crop farming and the policy of face-lifting the appearance of the land of the country through large-scale land realignment projects and waterway projects.
That's why the Korean people are vigorously stepping up the general march of Songun revolution, full of confidence and optimism, regarding the party's line and policies as the most judicious.
The sagacity of Kim Jong Il's leadership in guiding the great Songun revolutionary upswing to victory also finds manifestation in unfolding a new history of building a prosperous country with persevering ability of practice.
To his leadership the DPRK owes its dignity as an invincible powerful country which no formidable enemy dare provoke and the fundamental turns on all fronts of socialist construction. The Korean people are now working miracles and performing feats every day, fulfilling whatever difficult tasks by their own efforts and technique and their own way once they are determined to do. They keenly realize the greatness of the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il who leads the building of a prosperous country with steel-like faith and persevering ability of practice, looking far into the future.
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Wednesday dedicates an article to the anniversary of the publication of President Kim Il Sung's famous work "For a Great Revolutionary Upswing in Socialist Construction" on Dec. 13, Juche 45 (1956). The work has served as a powerful weapon which encouraged the Korean people to dynamically advance the revolution and construction, confident of and optimistic about sure victory and a militant banner which enabled them to make uninterrupted innovations and advancement in the teeth of difficulties under whatever circumstances.
The undying leadership exploits performed by Kim Il Sung in setting an epochal example in building socialism by arousing all the people to a revolutionary upswing are being successfully carried forward and developed by Kim Jong Il today.
The sagacity of Kim Jong Il's leadership in guiding the great Songun revolutionary upswing to victory lies in that he showed a shortcut to the building of a great prosperous powerful nation by setting out the most correct line and policies. They include the lines of attaching importance to the arms, ideology and science, the line of building economy in the era of Songun with a powerful defense industry as its core, the policy of effecting a dramatic turn in seed selection and in potato farming, the policy of double-crop farming and the policy of face-lifting the appearance of the land of the country through large-scale land realignment projects and waterway projects.
That's why the Korean people are vigorously stepping up the general march of Songun revolution, full of confidence and optimism, regarding the party's line and policies as the most judicious.
The sagacity of Kim Jong Il's leadership in guiding the great Songun revolutionary upswing to victory also finds manifestation in unfolding a new history of building a prosperous country with persevering ability of practice.
To his leadership the DPRK owes its dignity as an invincible powerful country which no formidable enemy dare provoke and the fundamental turns on all fronts of socialist construction. The Korean people are now working miracles and performing feats every day, fulfilling whatever difficult tasks by their own efforts and technique and their own way once they are determined to do. They keenly realize the greatness of the Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il who leads the building of a prosperous country with steel-like faith and persevering ability of practice, looking far into the future.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Back in the USSR
Hierdie kom van 'n interessante foto-feature op BBC se webwerf oor propagandakuns in Vietnam. Hier is een van my eie foto's wat ek in Saigon gneem het. Dis vir my 'n baie interessante kunsvorm, en wonderlik dat die grote Amerika uitgeslaan is! Die posters laat my dink aan die ou dae van die koue oorlog en die Sowjet-Unie en spioene wat oorloop en die Berlynese muur en sulke dinge. (Ek raak skoon nostalgies toe ek gisteraand op TCM 'n ou fliek van Chalton Heston kyk, Skyjacked, waarin 'n vliegtuig gekaap word en na Moskou toe moet vlieg. Alte lekker. Ek wou as kind altyd baie graag die USSR gesien het, nou bestaan dit nie meer nie. Al wat oorbly is Noord-Korea, en seker op 'n ander vlak Vietnam en Laos en China, hoewel hul ekonomiee allesbehalwe kommunisties is).
Ek het as kind op kortgolfradio na radiostasies soos Radio Moskou en Radio East Berlin, the Voice of the DDR, geluister en soms het hulle selfs vir my poskaarte gestuur. Nogal altyd in die styl van die foto's soos die een hierbo.
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